News from the PrintShop
Settling into 2025 with a Newsletter
Hey there! Long time no newsletter! (Yes, if you're getting one of these, it's been a while...unless you are a chamber member and then you’re probably over it by now!) 😊 Between last week's wild weather and the post-holiday slump, we know everyone's still...
New Year, New Offer – Be Seen in Business
🎉 Right then, lovely people! Grab a cuppa because you won't believe the absolute bargain we're throwing your way for 2025. We've gone a bit mad with this one, but in a good way! All This for Just £150 (VAT included, because we're nice like that) What's in the...
Empowering your business through creative design and print
In today's digital-first world, standing out visually has never been more crucial for small businesses. As fellow entrepreneurs who spend our days helping other businesses shine, we understand the delicate balance between making an impact and managing a budget. First...
Worth the wait!
So we missed a newsletter in March AND April, this one is for May (!) but it’s worth it: in this issue we have news, tips, and best of all an offer for you and your furry friends! Why the delay? We have been incredibly busy working on making business better for you!...
February 2023 Newsletter
Live, Love and Laugh! It may have been a short month but here’s a little insight into who we have been working alongside and some new plans on the horizon! Hear some of our top tips and give us yours! This month’s featured Artist: The Courthouse Collective It’s a joy...
January 2023 Newsletter
New Year, New Start, Newsletter! Welcome to 2023 and our first monthly newsletter of the year! This month’s featured Artist: Pieces of Nature by Anna Dowd Art This month we have worked with Anna on a logo refresh as she continues to be recognised more and more for her...
Together we move into 2021 – HAPPY NEW YEAR
Happy New Year! New starts, new beginnings! Lets hope we have a year where we're winning! All seems great, nine to five 2020: a great year to be alive! January rolls into February but then March enters the game, The news it brings is worrying Everyone is panicking...
Welcome to Bollington PrintShop
A Printshop in Bollington Printing is a trade as old as the trees From Gutenberg’s Press to Macs and PCs We all need things printed, designed and created From paintings to letterheads, signed, sealed and dated. Posters for windows, signs for the gate Banners for...